13 08, 2019

How IBN Reduces Network Operation and Security Costs

By |2025-01-30T23:04:13+00:00August 13th, 2019|Categories: Network Security|Tags: |

Intent-based networking (IBN) simplifies network management, speeding up deployments and applying policies consistently across the network. What does that mean for your bottom line? Firms that adopt IBN see a reduction in network operation and security costs, all without compromising on quality. Reducing Network Operation Costs Networking is not getting any [...]

31 07, 2019

Boost Deployment Efficiency and Minimize Change Windows with IBN

By |2019-09-29T18:36:25+00:00July 31st, 2019|Categories: intent-based networking|Tags: |

Network downtime is the enemy of any business. Unplanned downtime results in frustrated customers and irritated employees – not to mention wasting thousands of dollars per minute. Planned downtime for upgrades, changes and testing is almost equally problematic. Despite the opportunity to alert employees and customers ahead of time, planned downtime [...]

27 07, 2019

Automatically Documenting Network Activity with IBN

By |2025-01-30T23:00:41+00:00July 27th, 2019|Categories: DNA Center|Tags: |

Network documentation is time-consuming, tedious and is often outdated by the time you finish. It’s a task that usually ends up at the bottom of to-do lists, which is problematic given the importance of documenting network activity to ensure compliance and security. Intent-based networking (IBN) takes this task off the shoulders of IT staff by [...]

15 07, 2019

How IBN Automates Disaster Preparedness and Recovery

By |2025-01-30T23:11:22+00:00July 15th, 2019|Categories: intent-based networking|Tags: |

Network downtime costs businesses an average of $5,600 per minute. Depending on the business, that can add up to anywhere from $140,000 to $540,000 per hour. And downtime repercussions aren’t just monetary. Outages can prevent customers from accessing the valuable information and services they need, depleting their trust, damaging company reputation and possibly driving customers [...]

12 07, 2019

Shift Your IT Team’s Focus to Big Picture Items with IBN

By |2025-01-30T23:11:57+00:00July 12th, 2019|Categories: intent-based networking|Tags: |

Your IT team members were hired for their knowledge, experience and expertise. Most organizations are at some stage of digital transformation, with projects in the works to improve user experiences via mobile technology and cloud-based applications. Developing innovative, transformative technology takes time and focus. […]

27 06, 2019

Why Network Compliance Should Be AI-Driven

By |2025-01-30T22:34:05+00:00June 27th, 2019|Categories: intent-based networking|Tags: |

With high-profile data breaches making headlines regularly, compliance is more than just a matter of following industry regulations. It’s a matter of protecting your firm’s reputation and maintaining the trust you’ve built with your clients. Ensuring network compliance using traditional network architecture is tedious at best. Intent-based networking (IBN) offers seamless monitoring, verification and enforcement [...]

3 06, 2019

How IBN Revolutionizes Security with User-Based Permissions

By |2019-07-24T14:01:17+00:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: DNA Center, intent-based networking, Network Security, Security Solutions|Tags: |

As remote employees, app-driven work and instantaneous functionality become the workplace norm, status quo IP-based security tends to slow users down. Further, its security is quickly becoming inferior to the more comprehensive user-based security model enterprises are switching to. Let’s take a look at the benefits of user-based security and how [...]

20 05, 2019

IBN Represents Job Opportunity, Not Threats

By |2019-07-24T14:01:24+00:00May 20th, 2019|Categories: DNA Center, intent-based networking|Tags: |

Advancing technology tends to add job opportunities rather than replace them. Intent-Based Networking Systems (IBNS) are no different. Think of all those tasks on your to-do list that aren't getting done today, due to some hardware device that isn’t enforcing a stated policy, or similar issue.  Wouldn’t it be nice not [...]

22 03, 2019

How Enterprises Can Prepare for the Intent-Based Network

By |2019-07-24T14:01:31+00:00March 22nd, 2019|Categories: DNA Center, intent-based networking, Security Solutions|Tags: |

Intent-based networking, or IBN, is positioned to redefine how enterprises manage their IT infrastructure. With the explosion in the number of mobile and IoT devices, video, streaming and SaaS applications, network intents such as identities, segmentation rules, and security policies require continuous adjustments. Today, this is mostly done manually, and often [...]

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