Custom Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and use cases built for specifically for the unique challenges that theme parks and other enterprise organizations face. Built on a back-end powered by Cisco’s IoT System, Acadia’s IoT offering helps organizations identify new opportunities, reduce costs, and generate a trackable return on investment.

Acadia can transform your park’s operations with an efficient, flexible and secure network that makes it easy to manage – centrally – all your day-to-day operations, and support changes as they happen.

internet of things
internet of things

Low-cost wireless kiosks and handheld devices can enable you to move employees where they’re needed most – the front gate at opening time, the food court at meal times, or anywhere the crowds are.

You can easily create high-def digital signage for advertising or entertaining fans while they’re queued up.  And all of your messaging can be created centrally and distributed anywhere in your venue, in an instant.

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